In view of the sustained trend towards reducing the depth of added value, integrative supply concepts are crucial if a company is to ensure a reliable and cost-effective material supply. Our consulting services in this area are geared towards holistic supply models that incorporate internal restrictions as well as all suppliers in the planning process.
Our concepts for procurement and supply processes are always based on the principles of lean management. Starting from the provision of material on the assembly line, we plan and implement a lean and holistically coordinated supply strategy that takes account of both internal and external supply concepts.
Working on the basis of the total cost approach, we analyze and evaluate not only alternative supply concepts such as milk runs, consolidation and JIT / JIS supply but also the use of internal supply strategies such as synchronized tugger trains, containerless parts supply, and consignment and supermarket concepts.
Here is an overview of our services in the area of supply concepts:
- Potential and cost-effectiveness analyses of alternative supply concepts
- Evaluation of suitable material supply strategies
- Optimization and standardization of supply processes using the line-back approach
- Implementation of a flexible supply system taking account of lean management aspects
- Slimming down inventory in the chain
- Development of supply contingency strategies
With this range of services, we are the experts you need when it comes to identifying potential for reducing your throughput times and inventory.